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25.-27.05 Tanzworkshop: Lifedancing work-shop with Carina-Maria Caur

Shake Your Everything

Expressions offers a safe space where you can connect deeply with your authentic self.
An opportunity to reveal and break through old habits that stops you from coming forward.
A possibility to step up and share your unique gifts with the world!
Tools to support your process:
-  Lifedancing: free dance and movement
- Voice-practices
- Silent meditation
- Respectful touching
- Sharing-circles
No earlier experiences required.
Everybody warmly welcome!
About Carina-Maria Caur
Carina-Maria is the passionate founder and director of Lifedancing – a pulsating dance community i Gothenborg, Sweden, offering weekly classes and a year long Lifedancing Teacher Training.
She teaches and lives her dance as an embodied, spiritual practice.
Through the Lifedancing-method and her inspiring presence, she makes it possible for people to open up, relax and dive into the depth of their beings through free dance and movement.
Carina-Maria is a former actor and singer in the physical theater-tradition, influenced by Jerzy Grotowski and Roy Hart Theatre. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in conflict-resolution.
She is also a life-coach and a supervisor and gives sessions on a regular basis.
She loves pink roses, green smoothies, sufi poet Hafiz, hatha yoga, zenmediation and walks in the woods.
Carina-Maria is 50, lives and works in Gothenburg and Berlin.
She is the mother of two and the stepmother of two.

About Lifedancing
Ground your feet in the muddy belly of Mother Earth.
Move wild and free with the spiritual fire in your hips and heart.
Let your body express who you are in this very moment.
Shake your everything in the healing flow of whirling water. Surrender, let go.
Fly with the winds in the air-element.
Enjoy the beauty of free movements – at the dancefloor – and in your life.

When: Sat. 26/5 10-18, Sun. 27/5 10-16
Cost: 170 € before Fri. 23/3, thereafter 190 €
Shake Your Everything
Open Lifedancing-evening is included in the cost when you participate in the workshop (15 €)
When: Fri. 25/5 19-21
Aachenerstr. 68, Köln


Susanne Buchheim